gain muscle

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Shoulder Exercises

So far I have gone over main core exercises that people do, now I am going to go over some isolated exercises. Shoulders are going to be the first place to start, as they are very important for building muscle mass. Many of you probably want muscular looking arms, and to do that you need to build muscle mass in your shoulders. The following video will show you some isolated exercises for your shoulders.

Personally, I like the lateral and front raises the best. However, there is still nothing that compares to the classic shoulder press. I recommend doing the shoulder press with dumbells, mainly because doing a shoulder press is really hard to do with an olympic bar. Another great way to perform the shoulder press is to do it with a machine. I like the machine because it ensures that you have perfect form. But at the same time, this is kind of a problem with the machine, because with free weights, it forces you to use your core for balance. Either way, it is up to you. Using free weights is probably harder and works more muscles, but the machine will help isolate the muscles a little more.

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