Aside from the diet, it is also important to know the anatomy of your body. There are two basic sections of the body; the upper and lower. The upper body consists of the neck, shoulders, trapezius, pectorals (pecs), abdomen (abs), deltoids, lower back and lats (upper back). The lower body consists of the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. By the way, as a side note, muscle is muscle, and muscle burns fat, it doesn’t matter where the muscle is on your body. You also need to know that there are two types of muscle fibers, slow twitch and fast twitch. The slow twitch muscles are primarily used in aerobic situations. They are not as quick as fast twitch muscles, but they can hold their energy longer. Fast twitch muscles are responsible for anaerobic respiration. These muscles are like your sprint muscles, they are very strong for a short time, and then lose their energy.
When you work out, you are basically making microscopic tears in your muscles. Many people have probably heard of lactic acid. Many people believe that lactic acid is the cause of muscle soreness, but this is not the case. Lactic acid is a cause for immediate soreness of your muscles, after things such as a hard sprint, but as for the soreness you feel in your muscles 2 to 3 days after you workout, that is not due to lactic acid. The real reason for the soreness in your muscles is slightly debatable. However, most people believe that they tears in your muscles is what cause your muscles to be sore. Anyways, these muscle tears are going to cause you to build muscles mass. These tears are going to be filled with protein and make the muscle bigger and stronger when it grows back. So now that we know a little bit about our body, lets jump into some exercises.
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